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Have a drive test first hand to our flip book of “ Directory of Coal Business in Indonesia, July 2017” on this link: This e-book is accessible with Windows-based computers. This flip book is created with Adobe Flash technology. These directories are available on an individual basis or embedded inside the research report on: Coal Business in Indonesia by Sando Sasako Jakarta, 20 July 2016 Last update: Jakarta, 12 April 2017 li + 479 pages, comprising of 214 tables and 98 charts You may experience the flip book version on Download the “Directory of Indonesian Mining Companies” into your android phones Here is the snapshot of the flip book of “ Directory of Mining Companies in Indonesia: Status of Clean and Clear, September 2016” version. Directory of Mining Companies in Indonesia: Status of Clean and Clear, April 2017 How to order: • Kindly send your purchase order by SMS/texting to +62 851 0518 7118, +62 852 103 56 516 by mentioning your name, email, and mobile phone number. • Upon receiving your order, we shall notify you our bank account number and the name of the account holder. • Please notify us regarding your successful payment to our mobile number above. • Upon effectiveness of the fund received in our bank, we shall email the link to download the ebook you have ordered and paid.
• The link to download shall expire in 24 hours. Have a drive test first hand to our flip book of “April 2017” edition on this link: Should you have any inquiries or questions regarding our presentation intention or elses, please contact us on +62 851 0518 7118, +62 888 1617 440, +62 852 103 56516 Direktori Perusahaan Tambang di Indonesia: Status Clean and Clear, April 2017 Direktori ini mencakup daftar perusahaan tambang seluruh pengumuman CNC, dari yang pertama sampai yang ke-24. Cara pemesanan: • Silahkan order buku elektronik ini melalui SMS ke +62 851 0518 7118 atau +62 852 103 56516 dengan menyebut nama, email, nomor identitas (KTP dan NPWP), dan nomor telpon yang bisa dihubungi. • Setelah order pemesanan diterima, kami akan mengirimkan nomor dan nama pemilik rekening.
• Harap memberikan konfirmasi terhadap pembayaran melalui transfer bank. • Setelah dana tercatat efektif di rekening bank kami, kami akan memberikan email berisi link untuk men-download buku elektronik yang telah dipesan. • Link untuk men-download akan expire dalam waktu 24 jam. • Terima kasih. Materi yang terdapat dalam buku Direktori Perusahaan Tambang di Indonesia: Status Clean and Clear adalah sebagai berikut: Nama Pemegang IUP: Status CNC Pemegang IUP:, pengumuman ke SK Pencabutan No. SK No., Tanggal Luas konsesi (HA) ha, penambangan, tahap KEGIATAN Lokasi: Wilayah: Berakhir: Referensi provinsi SK No. Cara Instal Software Blackberry 9220.
Remark: Keterangan: Other contents available upon request are as follows: 1. Corporate Identification Number (Single ID Number) 2. Addresses of Headquarter, Operational Office, Working Area 3. Telephone and fax numbers 4.
Contact person 5. Mining license permits: History, Prevailing, Existing, Expired, Clean and Clear Status 6. Mining info: ownership, mined minerals and resources, concession area, current activities 7.
Economic data: production, sales, investment, paid taxes and non-taxes to governments, manpower, services and expertise, infrastructure, reclamation plan and deposited fund. Baso Patetengi A. Muhammad Yusuf,S.Sos.
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