Gpt Website Php Script Rarity
Hi I'm sure with the rising popularity of Bux/PTC/GPT sites that many people are wondering how start their own. I have created this mini guide as a quick tutorial on where to start and also to make people aware of what is needed to start and run a site of this sort. What you will need: Some cash; either in you Paypal account or on a credit or debit card that you can use online (amount depends on which options you choose below) Some relative knowledge of website creation/ftp/databases etc or the ability to learn quickly Dedication and time 1st Step: Decide what sort of site you wish to run for example: Paid To Click (also known as a Bux site) where members only click links and view ads for cash or Get Paid To site where members can do various tasks for cash including signing up to sites, completing offers or surveys, click links,view ads,read e-mails etc. Hello all, and welcome to the first part of my CREATE A PTC SITE guides.

Gpt Website Php Script RARE - mixerdagor. Get early access to our new initiative on making altcoin price tracking easy to use.This is the page of Indian Rupee (INR) to United States Dollar (USD) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes.Recently Added. Ever wanted an InstaGC clone script, or a Swagbucks clone script? This script is a GPT (get paid to) system. Users can complete offers, watch videos, view websites. MFScripts offers simple, low cost php scripts for new or existing website. Short URL & file hosting PHP script comes with 100% source code and none of the php or html.
If I receive good feedback on this one, there is a likelihood that I will create a second part. In this guide I will take you through 2 different scripts and make mention to 2 different advertisers you can use with your PTC site.
Now, this won't be completely indepth, as I myself haven't yet attempted to use the advertisers with the scripts, however I'm sure you will be able to figure it out yourself. YOU WILL NEED A PTC script. Feel free to use the ones below, or purchase one (search google to purchase one). I suggest downloading PTCscript2.rar and skipping right to the installation of that one. • • A host for your files.
You can select from a range of hosts, but at the moment my best suggestion would be, who are offering unlimited space and bandwidth. Zamana Deewana Video Songs Download. A collection of promo codes for DreamHost (Enter them at the bottom of the signup page) • PTC8866 - $50 off registration • PTC142 - 2 Free domains • PTC5532 - 1 Free domain + $15 off An FTP program to access your server. You can use the freeware program effectively for this. An Advertiser We will get to this later! Only install ONE in a certain directory.
If you only wish to install one, I suggest skipping right to the 2nd PTC script! I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU FUCK UP! Just thought I should say. Also, if I made a mistake, I'm really sorry if it causes you troubles. I will try my best to help solve any problems and will fix the guide accordingly. We will start with the installation of PTCscript1! (More difficult and not as good as PTCsite2) Step 1 - Uploading the Files Firstly, please note that script 2 is better, more secure and easier to setup.
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