Samsung Channel List Pc Editor D Serie Download
Organize the channel list of your Samsung or LG. By ChanSort are Samsung TVs series B, C, D. To transfer the channel list between your TV and PC. Overview; Samsung Smart TV SDK. The Tizen Studio is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Tizen TV Web. TV Extension Image 4.0b Download. Revue Technique Opel Zafira Pdf Merge more. Pentru a edita lista de canale TV receptionate de televizoarele Samsung din seriile C, D si E, este nevoie de un utilitar numit “Samsung Channel List PC Editor”. If you've recently exported your Samsung TV set channel list to USB, you must've been on the look out to edit and extend the channel list as per your choic. From Samsung TV. It comes with SCM archive file support for B-series to D-series TV set generations. Download SamToolBox.
Readme. Garrison Thermostat User Manual on this page. md Links About ChanSort ChanSort is a PC/Windows application that allows you to reorder your TV's channel list. Most modern TVs can transfer channel lists via USB stick, which you can plug into your PC.
ChanSort supports various models from Hisense, Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Toshiba and the Linux VDR project. Buy Software For Cheap.
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