Update Epg On Openbox V8s Signal Fix
Dear Friends: Notice: Please do the following steps: 1) backup the channel list. 2) export the softcam.key to usb device 3) update the firmware to box by allcode mode 4) update channel list then import softcam.key +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ change log: Note:Need update allcode 1) update core for sport24 channel don't be opened. 2) add option for some ld Philips/LG/Sony show bule screen: main menu/system/other setting/hdmi color space default is Auto mode. Eclet RGB/YUV422/YUV444 to check tv work mormal 3) add Pause key in RC to switch hdmi color spacke mode changed when main menu 4) from then now we change the logo to GtMedia. (5.97 MiB) Downloaded 1937 times +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --V8_Super.bin change log: 1) Thailand epg show error.
Openbox V8S 7 Day epg V5s 7 day epg Uptodate channel list new and working 0 results. Latest Update Genuine Openbox V9S HD Satellite Receiver Built-in WiFi. Francevfr Brest Guipavas Lfrbr.
Thanks our friend help to send ts file for us testing whose nick name is zcache in freesat forum. 2) add option for new epg style main menu / System / Other Setting /EPG UI style Style 1: the old ui(Default) Style 2: the new ui 3) Added fast key to switch video output mode or format. We try to support some old TV or some signal mode TV Press menu key to main menu.(Panel show '----') press Green key to switch NTSC/PAL, the panel will show 'PAL ' or 'NTSC' Press Stop key to switch the video format PAL mode: the panel will show '576I' -- '576P' -- '720P'(50HZ) --'1080I'(50HZ) --'1080P'(50HZ) NTSC mode: the panel will show '480I' -- '480P' -- '720P'(60HZ) --'1080I'(60HZ) --'1080P'(60HZ) 4) Add Macedonia Language UI --- Thanks Vlatko Postolov help to. 5) Add Finland and Swedish UI Language.
--- thanks Kalle Juntura took many time to translate. You can find him by 6) some PowerVu channel didn't play smoothly 7) Preset Yamal 401 at 90.0°E TP List. (5.92 MiB) Downloaded 4723 times --V8_Super.bin 1) subtitle auto scale, moved the scale enable setting. Emotiv Test Bench Manual Transfer.
2) add STOP key to switch the HDMI format when main menu for some old TV don't support 1080I. 3) NCS feature updated for 50W,70W satelliate. Thanks my friend send account and ts file for debuging his nickname is elvic at freesat forum. 4) add usb device pop up message enable/disable option main menu/System/Other Setting / Device PoP messagae 5) add Serbian Language UI 6) bug for some chanels subtitle sync problem 7) some channel subtitle don't be opened. 8) preset China6A and China6B satelliate and TP.
(5.91 MiB) Downloaded 2447 times +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --V8_Super.bin change list: Notice: Please backup the channel list then update the box by allcode mode. 1) Modify inforbar information. 2) add menu: main menu/system/Other setting/Key action up/down/page up/ page down key action setting You can select the up key to add or reduce the channel index.
3) RTM channel no sound problem. 4) can dump the auto calculated powervu key to softcam.key 5) support Golden channel list updated directly, auto delete the cable or T2 channels. 6) some biss channels seems FTA channels can be opened by biss key now. 7) export the powervu key generated by auto run feature to softcam.key, so those powervu channels can be opened quickly after updating allcode then import the softcam.key. (5.91 MiB) Downloaded 2447 times +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --V8_Super.bin change list: Notice: Please backup the channel list then update the box by allcode mode.
1) Modify Danish String. 2) modify the Motor step to 0.5° 3) fixed: quickly change tp problem when TP list menu. Solidsquad Solidworks 2014 Keygen Music. 4) searching bug when xml epg enable. 5) add the Tangberg key import UI and 6) add LCN ON/OFF setting in Main Menu / Installation / Search Setting / LCN.
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