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Over-enthusiastic gamer, geek, techaholic, dabbling writer & copy editor, and raging Coffeeholic ~ Loves Gadgets, Games, Tech. Lots and lots of coffee. ~ Obsessively-loving: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, Fable, Divinity: Original Sin ~ ~ Successful gaming rig builder: i7-4970K, 16GB RAM, 128GB SSD, 1TB + 3TB HDD Storage, GTX 1060 6GB OC, 1150 ASUS Z97-A ATX mobo, Windows 10 ~ Trying to learn about Linux. Emphasis on 'trying'. Including Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint and Raspbian ~. Oh, and did I mention I love coffee.?
Verified Services • • • • • • • • Goodreads: Read. Eirianlys Valley Royalty Free Music A Songwriter & Musician who uses his talent to raise money for North Wales Children’s Hospice Hope House Ty Gobaith provides nursing care and support to life-limited children, young people an young adults. They also offer their support to their entire families from diagnosis and throughout the lifetime of the child, and beyond. Their care and support is vital to so many who find themselves in their heart-wrenching and difficult situation.
As a charity they also rely on the generosity of donations given, and as with every charity, every little helps. Fighting Sound Effects Free Download. Eirianlys creates and sells original music, songs, and tunes to raise money for this worthy cause. At least 50% of the price of each tune, CD or playlist goes towards Hope House Ty Gobaith. For two years running, Eirianlys’ music and CDs have proven so popular they have been eBay’s top charity donor, having sold so many CDs on their eBay shop during that time. Eirianlys’ eBay feedback for both music and customer service is excellent, and shows their dedication to their cause – to raise as much money as possible for children who need it by using the music they love to write. The music sold by Eirianlys is Royalty Free: The music can be used for any personal, professional or business use with no license fees to pay. Purchasing music from Eirianlys will benefit the children, and it can also be used for anything you care to use it for – background music in a cafe, on YouTube, for personal videos, for re-recording yourself Absolutely anything you care to use it for.
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